Our Family of Four

Our Family of Four

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Growing Up So Fast Already!

I cannot believe that is has almost been 3 weeks since Cash was born (and that I have not posted any more since that time)! Time flies...I feel like he is already gowing up so fast. He has changed so much since the last pictures I posted.
He has already gained his weight back from what he lost at the hospital, and as of last Thursday, his stats are:
7lbs 3oz and 19 3/4 inches
He is already starting to outgrow his newborn clothes!

Here some more pics from the past few weeks...

Cash is holding his head up, and if you are lucky enough, you can catch a smile while he is asleep! We are getting our home routine down...Eating, sleeping, and changing diapers!
He got the okay from his Pediatrician this week to start trying a bottle, and he is loving it! Mommy is loving it too, because it allows her to get a little extra sleep during the night!

My parents left to go back to Great Falls last week. It was so nice having them here, to meet and spoil their very first little Grandson! Thank You for all of your help, Mom and Dad!

Buddy's sisters, Jane and Jennifer are here this week for baby duty! Buddy and I have been catching up on some much needed sleep. I will post pictures from their stay soon...

We are so lucky to have such wonderful families!

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