Our Family of Four

Our Family of Four

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone! Hoping you all had a great day spent with family and friends!
We were unable to be home in Montana or Washington, so spent our Easter here in Dallas.
We woke up, and enjoyed seeing what the Easter Bunny brought for Cash. After a relaxing morning, we ventured to Easter mass, Cash's first trip to Church. He did amazing, slept through the entire service (organs, trumpets, and a full choir)! After mass we went to brunch, just Buddy, Cash and I.

My Mom's cousin, Natalie and her family had us over for lunch...the theme was "Cinco de Easter," so we enjoyed a Mexican-themed meal. Delicious!! Cash enjoyed playing with Reagan, Natalie's little girl and watching all of the other kids run around searching for eggs.

This is Cash's second outfit of the day, just as we were about to start taking pictures, he had a "code brown" incident. For those of you that don't know what a "code brown" is... it's a blowout, through the diaper and all over Mom!!
After a change of clothes, here he is happy as can be and ready to go again!


Impossible to get both Bella AND Cash to look at the camera at the same time for a picture!

Bella digging in Cash's Easter basket, uh-oh....
Looks like she found a treat for herself!

Cash and Reagan reading...he loved all of the new toys at her house!


Happy Easter!

Counting down the days until our trip to Washington and Montana...11 to go! See you all soon...XOXO's!

Cash and Daddy Time

This weekend I got to catch up on a little bit of sleep, as Buddy offered to get up both mornings with Cash and let Mommy sleep in. Ahhhh, so nice to wake up on my time and enjoy a cup of coffee to myself again. Cash is getting to be so cute now, he absolutely loves his Daddy. When I would wake up all I would hear is Cash talking and laughing, and this is what I saw (with of course, Sports Center playing in the background)...