Our Family of Four

Our Family of Four

Sunday, June 10, 2012

My Little Fishy

Yesterday was our first day of Bathtime Babies, a swim class Cash and I are taking to help get him used to the water (and hopefully enjoy bathtime at home more)!
The pictures say it best, but he LOVED the water!
And the best part is, we came home and he LOVED bathtime, too!

These are his stylish swimming pants, the babies have to wear 2 resusable swim diapers, just in case of a code brown!!
Swim teacher, Miss Amber

Tummy time! Someone drank a little water here...the boys side outweighed little Olivia, so their corner started to capsize!
Practicing getting water in our hair and on our face! Not his favorite part.

Back float...

...And the after pool crazy hair!

Friday, June 8, 2012

4 Months

After we got back from Montana, we had Cash's 4 month check-up. Here are the latest stats:
Weight: 13lbs 10oz (11th percentile)
Length: 23.8 inches (3rd percentile)

He did so good with his shots this time, turning into such a brave, big boy!

Also, his Pediatrician said we could start solids. I waited until 5 months to start, and then slowly introduced him to oatmeal. He was a little unsure at first, but now you can't shovel it in fast enough!! He is also drinking from a sippee cup (so maybe now Daddy can babysit)!

Pictures from Round One (First day of solids)

Now he loves his oatmeal!

Crazy Hair

This is Cash's hair on a daily basis...out of control! Even after bath time, there is no taming this wild mop!

Dallas Aquarium

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Cashy's 3 Month Photo Shoot

While we were home, a friend from highschool came by my parent's house and did a little photo shoot with Cash and Keller. It only lasted about 15 minutes total, as someone (Cash) was a little grumpy! She did a great job, and captured some cute pics!
Thanks, Danielle!

Brooke's Baby Shower

We had originally planned our trip to Montana in April to help host my sister's baby shower, but things don't always go as planned (and babies don't always wait to come until 40 weeks)!
Keller Michael Watt was born April 16, 2012
5 weeks early, but weighed as much as Cash did when he was born!
Mom and baby did great, and best news of all...Keller only spent 3 nights in the NICU and was discharged home with Brooke and Jeremiah.

We still had Brooke's shower as planned, and Keller joined us as the guest of honor!

Mommy Brooke

Camryn, Mikayla, & Morgan

Great Aunt Jaci

Great Aunt Jeri, Peggy, & Barb

Gramma Wanda & Aunt Jaci

Lots of great food (way too much)!

Cash's new friend, they were the same age

The Great Grandmas

Some of Brooke's good friends

The Watt Family

My best friend, Molly also joined us. Her first time meeting Mr. Cash. Sleeping baby...she's a natural at this Mommy thing :)

We made onesies for Keller

Lots 'O Babies! This will be so fun watching them all grow up together.

Great Aunts Tammy and Tracy, and our favorite Anna!